Sunday, January 07, 2007

You: On A Diet

So far not doing so well on the resolution to not obsess about my weight. It's been SEVEN DAYS! And already I have broken a promise to myself. I want to start the South Beach Diet again. Last time I tried I failed because eating protein non-stop made me feel nauseous and hungry ALL the time. So this time I think I might eat carbs for lunch, but not "bad" carbs, "good" carbs. Whatever those are. Try to find some way that this diet will work for me. Because even when I cheated I still lost about 9 pounds, which is approximately my goal weight. I figure getting my ass to the gym will help too. I just want to look hot in a bikini for the trip I'm taking to Cancun with Melissa. All I want is to look in a mirror once and think, "damn, not bad".

Just once.


Anonymous said...

oh, we WILL have hot bodies for Cancun. And if we don't we'll look fat 'n sexy together. are golden grahams considered 'good' carbs?....

MsPatricia said...

you ALWAYS look good.