For some reason I have been sprouting tumour-like zits/pimples all over my face for the past two weeks. I am wondering why my skin is punishing me. Is it the excess/inhuman amounts of chocolate, candy and sugar I have been consuming? The ridiculously small amount of water I have been drinking? Usually I only breakout when I'm stressed. Is it possible to be stressed when you spend two days straight sitting watching Gilmore Girls? Because I'm pretty sure that's not possible. There is one on the side of my head right now that's really bugging me because it's one of those ones that hurts like hell whenever you scratch within a foot of it. Who doesn't scratch their face? I don't know. I know you're probably grossed out by this, but I really want to know what kind of grudge my skin is holding against me. It's not fair. I treat it right, moisturize it, pamper it, exfoiliate. I'm a good host damn it. This is how it repays me. Fine. Be that way, I get it. Next time there is NO coconut moisturizing mask for you. HA.
My cat has been sitting and starring at me for the past half an hour. He will jump on my lap, lick my arm, purr a little and then jump down and stare. Maybe chew on some plastic bags. Which drives me nuts. I give him a "Beef Feast" (which looks incredibly disgusting, and smells even worse) and he chooses to chew on freaking plastic. Ungrateful little jerk. Next time he will NOT be getting Fancy Feast. It's a good thing he's so damn cute and fuzzy and soft, otherwise I'd let him keep chewing on the plastic bags.

Behold the ungrateful beast himself.
The conclusion of this post: I've been watching too much Gilmore Girls. Somebody needs to rescue me.
And possibly get me a skin transplant.
1 comment:
That post made me laugh, Jaime, stupid skin! I love how you refered to those zits as tumor-like, such a good discription. I hate those ones.
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