Thursday, January 25, 2007

McDreamy, McSteamy, McVet....and McBaldy

a) I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo super excited for the cottage this weekend!!! It's going to be awesome! I am excited to relax and have fun and drink and spend time with friends!

b) Grey's Anatomy is the bestest show EVER. Tonight's episode was absolutely amazing. I don't care if the show is 'predictable' or has a 'soap opera - like' plot, it is awesome and if you don't realize that then you're a tool. Proposals flying left and right, the race for Chief, Kirev dissing Addison, Bailey opening the clinic, Amish people being shunned....oh it's amazing. On a side note: I didn't know people were actually shunned in today's society. Cool.

Best episode EVER was on tonight. If you missed it, you should be shunned.

c) I finally own my own digital camera. It's a miracle. And also a scary scary thing. See I LOVE to take pictures. I steal my friends cameras and take HUNDREDS of pictures. The fact that I now can take pictures all the time is definitely kind of scary. I am very excited to use my camera at the cottage. People are going to want to kill me.

Please take the camera away.

d) On Tuesday night I accidentally got drunk off of TWO pints. TWO! That's it! I remember the days when I used to drink a mickey in a night and be fine. A little buzzed, but all-around alright. I've only puked three times EVER from alcohol. And now all of a sudden I am getting drunk off of two pints! When the hell did I become such a lightweight?! Maybe it's because I no longer drink my face off every weekend. On a side note: that last picture is from Tuesday night after the pint incident in the bathroom of the mall that Melissa and I snuck into. We're rebels. What can I say.

e) I'm starting to feel old. And a little freaked out about growing up. I'm turning 23 in five months and twenty-nine days. (Yes I may have counted.) I am planning on going to Cancun with Melissa in April, and hoping to travel to Europe for an extended period of time with Shanan or by myself....and yet I do not like to think of myself as grown up. Even though that's what I am, a grown-up. I hate that word. It makes me think of old ladies who yell at children in restaurants while wearing lipstick outside their lip lines. I hope I never wear lipstick like that.

f) Just because Andrea put on facebook that she hates blogs I have to write that she's a huge huge huge bitch.


But it's awesome.

g) I want to get a personal trainer. But I am afraid of three things; 1) I will be broke afterwards, 2) They will laugh at me while I am attempting to work out, 3) I will get McBaldy. That's right, McBaldy. Melissa and I nicknamed a personal trainer at our gym McBaldy because he macks up all the young hot girls at the gym. He calls me Buttercup. Might I add that this guy is at LEAST 32, has a shaved/bald head (hence the 'Baldy' part of 'McBaldy') and talks about drinking like he's 17 again.

h) Everyone needs to go to East Side Mario's immediately and order the Chocolate Peanut Butter Stack dessert. At least I think that's what it's called. It's amazingly delicious.

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