Nah, I'm just kidding. We had an awesome weekend filled with many fun adventures. I was asked to write a blog about these adventures, so I may as well because I really don't feel like doing work.
Getting up there on Friday was pretty awesome because it included a stop at Wendy's. My idiot roommate who accompanied us up (just kidding Melissa! I heart you!), got a frosty of all things. Apparently she didn't know that there were toppings now. *Side Note: If you did not know that you can now get toppings for Frosty's (M&M's, OREO, etc) then go to a Wendy's immediately and purchase one.*
The REAL adventure began when we finally got to the cottage after three and a half hours of stimulating conversation in the van. And discovered that the pipes were frozen. Oh yes, frozen. Now as we were also frozen (it was -25 outside AND inside the cottage) so this wasn't a big concern to us yet. As we believed that as we defrosted, so would the pipes. However, this was not the case. If the sinks in the kitchen drained, then the bathtub filled up, and if we flushed the toilet upstairs, the toilet downstairs would overflow. It was a mess. We quickly realized that even though we had running water, not one of us would be lucky enough to even think about using a toilet over the course of the weekend. Now, I'm not going to lie, I may have panicked a bit at the thought of peeing in the snow all weekend. I mean, HELLO! Snow is cold, and exposing that particular part of my body to the frigid elements was NOT my idea of a good time. Apparently this is where people thought I would bail and make everybody go home. But really guys, I'm not that big of a princess.
So anyways, we had running just didn't have anywhere to run to. So we spent the entire weekend peeing outside in the snowpiles around the barn. It was kind of amusing how we all held it until the very last minute and then went on little pee adventures together. Our first trip was the best, seeing as we're all a little shy and nervous about peeing in a group on a snowbank in the middle of the frigid north. But we got through it with some humour, as shown in the picture below. Three cooches to the wind.

And eventually by the end of the trip we didn't even really notice that we were peeing outside, until it became daylight. The one panic attack we all had was: "How the hell are we going to.....well, you know......go number 2???" Because this is where I draw the line. There was no way in hell I was taking a "Crap Trip" out to our trust yellow snow pile. So we took a Crap Adventure to the Tim Horton's in Huntsville. Those poor poor people who frequented the bathroom after us must have had quite the experience.
The first night of the trip was spent in extreme drunkenness, watching multiple movies, stealing each others electric blankets and playing some sort of trivia game. Even Trish polished off half a bottle of the Wild Vines she brought up! That's my girl!

Poor Ryan was drunk off of seven beers. I have no idea how that happened, but that guys A TANK! Not really though. I hope you sensed extreme sarcasm in that previous comment. So the first half of the next he spent incapacitated. But he pulled it together for our playing in the snow. Oh, and did we EVER play in the snow!
At first we began our quest to build a snowfort. But this dream was quickly squashed when we realized it wasn't packing snow, and we'd probably have to shovel snow on a pile for about ten more hours before we got the right amount. So we attempted to toboggan down the back hill (a very small hill, but it was pretty sweet) on a cardboard box...which then escalated to a plastic bag...which then escalated to jumping over a picnic table. Well I seem to have missed a few steps of our tobogganing evolution in there, but you get the idea. Ryan joined in and began the trend of tobogganing while standing up. Might I take the time right now to say that the toboggan was one of those old wood ones, and I was pretty sure it was going to give up and die at any moment. But alas, it pulled through with the help of a hammer.
So anyways, the three boys had the "genius" idea to build a ramp using a picnic table. Now might I remind you that this snow isn't packing snow, so when they had a pile of snow before they went right through it. So the idea of building a ramp of snow up a picnic table and down the other side didn't seem to brilliant to me. I believe the words I used were, "phenominally stupid". But somehow they managed to make it work. And apparently it was quite the ride.

As you can see the jump managed to pull through, apparently because of Ryan's angulation skills on the ramp. The highlight was when the three of them went down together, and I was pretty sure that Robby was going to be decapitated by the picnic table. They managed to make it halfway over the picnic table before falling off sideways. If there was a way to put the video up, I would somehow do it.
The night was a blur of macaroni and cheese (my hand hurt from grating *tear*), naps, Taboo, more playing in the snow, spaghetti and finally falling asleep at the late time of 12:30. Hey! playing in the snow takes a lot out of you!

All in all, it was a pretty awesome weekend and we should all do it again....tomorrow. Even if the pipes are still frozen!!!!
Love you all!!!!
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