New Years was a vortex of classiness. That's right, a fucking vortex. The amount of Bambino consumed was incredible and the drunken-ness that ensued from this consumption of sparkling wine was quite impressive. I wish I could explain what was going on in the picture above, but honestly I have no clue. Apparently I am pissed and wish to strangle poor Headly, while Ryan Bonnar looks on with quite a lot of amusement. However, this pic pretty much reflects the crazy drunken-ness that went on that night.
I am not going to lie, I did not expect to have fun on New Years. I hate going to Toronto, I hate getting dressed up and I was pretty sure that everyone I was going with hated me, with the obvious exception of my boyfriend and Bonnar. Surprisingly I had an awesome time, and I don't think that anybody hates me anymore. With the exception of the guy that I punched in the face. The level of classiness that we exuded was ridiculous and I'm pretty sure that everybody was jealous of our limo.

New Years Resolutions 2007:
1) Make more time to visit my parents
2) Try to have more patience, with everyone
3) Do not obsess with my weight
4) Stop caring about what other people think of me
5) Read more
6) Be as healthy as possible without depriving myself
7) Sleep more
8) TRY not to procrastinate, but if I do (which I will) then I will not berate myself for it
9) Go into the lab more
10) Spend more time going out with Melissa b/c it's our last semester living together *tear*

11) Never drink that much sparkling wine again while wearing Spanx
12) Try not to rush into 'adulthood'. I have tonnes of time to be an adult, but not that much time to just have fun
13) Spend more time with Tony. Seeing each other once a week isn't enough
14) Attempt to be more social and not a hermit. This one will be the most difficult
15) Save money. I am going to need it when I am forced to live in the world by myself
16) Don't lose touch with old friends
17) Don't be jealous, just be happy
18) Attempt to care about school. This isn't just an education anymore...it's my life
19) Try to stop talking behind people's backs. Even though it is a good way to get out any anger or frustration it just promotes any negative feelings towards them. You should just try and talk to them about it and work it out
20) Figure out what makes me happy. And never stop doing it.
1 comment:
what, hanging out more with your best friend isn't on there?! WTF WOMAN!!!
jokes jokes.
love ya.
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