Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I've Got A Fever Of One Hundred And Two

Alright. That is IT. I've pretty much had it up to here with everything. I am fucking SICK of it. The world is so FRUSTRATING and I just want to hit people on the head. Are they mentally challenged? Just phenominally STUPID? Or are they playing dumb....because they're doing a DAMN good job of it.

It hit me today that the human race has stopped evolving. We are now regressing into nothingness. We are going to destroy ourselves. The stupidity of most people absolutely astounds me. There is no common sense involved in most people's thought processes, they just act and then react. Blame other people for their actions. The government protects the stupid people and the criminals while the rest of us get screwed.

I hear stories about people spilling hot coffee on themselves and obviously burning themselves. And they sue the fucking company for millions of dollars and win because the cup didn't say it was hot. IT'S FUCKING COFFEE! If it was COLD then I'm sure you'd complain about that! But "OHHHHH It's too freaking HOT, I'm a complete idiot and dumped coffee all over my hands, so I'd better blame anyone except for me and my clumsiness"

Sorry, I guess I'm just a little bitter today.

Another one that gets me is the woman who is going around trying to get Harry Potter books banned from libraries, schools, stores, etc because they apparently promote witchcraft, sorcery and wicca. HELLO?! Have you ever bothered to even READ a book? EVER? Let alone a masterpiece like Harry Potter. Are you too stupid to try and experience something before trying to get everybody conforming to YOUR opinions? I don't believe in the catholic church, do you see me going up to priests and ministers and trying to get them to denounce the church and run amok with me? I think not. It's like saying that you hate tomatoes when you've never tried them. I have met tonnes of people who have read and thoroughly enjoyed the Harry Potter series and not ONE of them has attempted to convert to Wicca. Has this woman ever stopped to consider the hundreds...possibly thousands of children who now read and ENJOY it because of these books? Probably not. If I ever see her in person I am going to kick her in the damn shin, because she deserves it.

People can be so blind. They want to see something, so they see it, and don't even consider ANY other possibilities. I'm not saying that I'm not like this. Hell yes I'm prejudice towards some things, but that doesn't mean I won't listen to what you have to say. I am just sick and tired of people doing whatever the fuck they want with absolutely no consequences, and then the rest of society has to pick up the pieces.

I think the real problem is that there is almost no more natural selection. If a kid was dumb enough to swallow seven pieces of Lego in 1950 (or whatever the hell toys they had back then) thennnnnn they might die, or they might live. But they learned a lesson....eating Lego provides for a lot of discomfort or death. Nowadays if this happened, the dumb kid would get surgery, his parents would reassure him that it's not his fault and they'd sue the Lego company for not putting "Do not let child eat" right on the front of the box in big bold letters. When REALLY it's the parents fault for not watching or apparently feeding their children, and the child's fault for being so fucking stupid.

We need to bring back natural selection.

1 comment:

Miss.Emily said...

I cannot express how much I love this post. People aren't just stupid they can't just own up and take responsibility for their own actions.