Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Good Body

Ok, so I know that I've been posting a lot about working out and eating well and losing weight, blah blah blah, but I want it to be known that I am in no way abusing my body or encouraging people to do that to themselves. Sure my going to the gym has a streak of vanity behind it, but mostly I'm tired of the 'crash dieting' thinking and it always failing. I'm sick of starving myself for a specific goal and then not reaching it and thinking of myself as a failure. So what if I'm not size four by the dominican?! Who the fuck cares? I sure don't. I think I look hot in a bikini. I'm just trying to make healthier lifestyle choices. I'm not going to deny myself, but asking myself if I REALLY need that Blizzard from Dairy Queen after eating like 40 mini eggs makes me think of what I'm doing to my body. It's the only one that I have, so I need to start taking care of it. I should have a looooong time ago. I don't want to think in terms of "lose 10 pounds for this, don't eat for three days before this" it's depressing, and it makes me not want to do it. But I'm finding if I think long-term that it seems much more do-able. If I aim to get my body fat % down by 5% by december, that's a reasonable goal which I can...and probably will achieve. I don't give a shit if I lose ten pounds anymore, I don't care about my weight. I'm starting to care about how I feel and how I feel so much better about myself when I'm at the gym and eating when I'm hungry. Sure every once in awhile I'm like, "wow, I wish I had her body" but who doesn't? I'm starting to realize that thinking long-term is much more healthy than short-term.
10 Things NEVER to say to your body:
1)Mini?! Not on these hips!
2)Must turn off the light before he gets to underwear (Honey...if he's going for the underwear, he'd appreciate it a LOT more if the lights were ON!)
3)You'd be gorgeous if you could just cut off everything below the waist...
4)You'll never get any love with those love handles
5)If these jeans do not fir, I swear, no more food for a week
6) Posh Spice, Role Model! (She is DISGUSTING.)
7) Oh, great, a three way mirror. Try not to look. (Or pose in every possible way and admire that booty....)
8) Better not work out - big muscles scare all the guys away (Ummmm...maybe you should tell the guys to get THEIR asses to the gym)
9)I hope my daughters don't inherit these
10) Yuck

I found an article in Glamour magazine in the May 2007 issue, and I think everyone should read it. It's kind of talking about what I did, about how every woman is a different size and that you shouldn't push or starve yourself to be a size 0 when you're healthy size is a 6 or even 10. Read it. NOW bitches!
This is an page from the magazine that I love.

The New Good Body:
-is bursting with energy...no Red Bull required
-relishes pregnancy's curves and wouldn't be caught dead in a muumuu (thank GOD for that)
-leaves the lights on so she can see and be seen
-doesn't try to be some plasticized notion of man-sexy. Here's what's hotter: looking real.
-comes in every colour of the rainbow.

The Old Good Body:
-deprived itself of all things delicious (f that, pass the brownies please!)
-cinched itself silly (curves are so much more sexy)
-was all 'no-pain, no-gain'

Everyone should buy the magazine and read this article immediately. I think it's amazing and about time. I'm sick of girls/women/my beautiful, gorgeous, amazing friends starving themselves and trying to lose weight instead of being healthy. I think my new belief should be that if you make healthy choices your body will follow and you will look amazing just being you.

10 things to say more often to your body:
1)Less is not more baby.
2) I will love my flaws.
3) Walk away slowly so everyone can enjoy the view (THANK GOD, shake that booty girl!)
4) It's clothes' job to fit my body, not the other way around (if only designers thought like this)
5) Don't turn down chocolate!!! It's full of those anti-oxi-thingies
6) He loes that, and those....and especially these. (Lucky guy!)
7) Whatever it is...these thighs can handle it.
8) Hungry? EAT SOMETHING. Makes sense, right?
9) There's nothing wrong here that a great pair of jeans can't fix.
10) Well done.


carrie said...

i like your thinking.

the cool thing is that if you eat the right foods you can actually eat twice as much as you would eating unhealthy things.

Miss.Emily said...

Thank you SO much for posting this, I'm having a serious fat day today. I really needed a reality check and I didn't even realize it.