I am packing up my room tonight. The past three years of my life are just gone, and I don't know where they went. It's kind of a shock that it's over so quickly and it's kind of hitting me pretty hard. Not gonna lie, I've shed more than a few tears as I've sifted through my notes, pictures, magazines, clothes and general crap that I've accumulated here. I never thought that I'd call this place home, but now I kind of think of it that way. Not as much as Oakville, but it's kind of getting there. I don't want to go back. It feels like I'm moving back in time and the past four years didn't even happen! How is that possible?

haha, my bedspread that I got so much grief for throughout the years. It's from the kids department at Sears and I'm so glad that I got it. Everyone made fun of me but I think it brightened up my dorm room and my room here. It's very snuggly. Everyone always loved my bed here, oddly enough. I'd be at the computer doing work and look over and Maria, Melissa and the cat would be lying on my bed watching me. Creeps, but what can you do. I used to get super pissed that they were lying on my bed while I wasn't hahaha. Now it's just Melissa creepily sleeping on my bed.

BAHAHAHAHHAHAHA, these pictures always make me laugh. Everytime we went out (which wasn't very often) we'd have to take a picture of the three of us together with one of us trying to hold the camera and the others deliberately being jerks and trying to annoy them. I think the top one was at the end of second year and the bottom one is from the beginning of third year when we went out for Maria's birthday. Both clearly awesome times...because we're awesome.

Soooooooo unfortunately this is me and Melissa acting normally. Yes, this is a REGULAR occurence in our household, not from alcohol, lack of sleep, stress or other things. This is just us. And Maria of course there capturing this moment that I CLEARLY want remembered forever with her humongous camera, which she has since gotten rid of. *tear* I loved making fun of that camera.
In Trappers on the sketchy back couches where people probably have sex and throw-up, me and Melissa are laughing our asses off at something we can't even remember. I actually fell off of the couch onto the dirty dirty dirty dirty floor. Oh the good times.

I am not even going to comment on how freaking CREEPY it was that Melissa took this picture of me napping. CREEEEEEEEPER!!!!!!!!! I do believe that Maria encouraged this creepiness, therefore Maria is a creeper too.
BAHAHAHAHAHHA, this is what happens when we let someone else take pictures of us and we end up getting caught in moments like this. I love how my face is practically deformed and I'm for some reason dancing like a Hawaiian person. Ahhhh Maria, how I miss you and making fun of your Polish ways!!!
Basically I just can't believe that it's over. I made some good friends, not too many, but the ones I made I know will be around forever. Even if I wanted to get rid of them they wouldn't go away. hahaha, but I would never want to get rid of you guys! I love you! And I'm so thankful that I have had the opportunity to live with you and get to know you! You guys are amazing, beautiful, hilarious, smart and all-around spectacular people and I feel absolutely priviledged to have been able to call myself your friend!
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