Ugh, can't decide whether I had a good weekend or a shitty weekend. I'm definitely leaning towards a shitty weekend. I mean, it had the makings to be an alright weekend, but it just went downhill. I can't decide whether my favourite part was my new personal trainer reducing me to tears, drinking so much that I vomited or hearing a piece of news I definitely didn't need to hear. Not to mention the fact that I was so hung today it was fucking ridiculous. Ew, you know what you're SOOOO hungover and dehydrated and your body is like, "this is my revenge for you fucking me over last night". That's the kind of hangover it was. When I went to get McDonald's (hangover food, don't judge) I moved my eyes to drive the car and the movement of my eyeball actually hurt my head. I didn't know that was possible.
But yah, I think I've decided that my favourite part of the weekend was when I burst into tears when I was in a training session with my new trainer. My old trainer Meghan quit, and that kind of broke my heart because I loved her. She made it really fun and gave me these awesome programs that were challenging but I loved to do.
And this ass hole comes along and ruins it all. He clearly didn't read my profile beforehand because he had no clue that I have a serious rib injury that stops me from doing a lot of overhead stuff and twisting motions. He's trying to make me do this exercise where you throw the medicine ball to the other person by throwing it overhead and I was like, "I can't do that" and he's all trying to be a macho trainer guy and is like, "oh sure you can, it's easy, don't be a wuss, people always think they can't do stuff, blah blah blah" and then I just started to cry. It was also compounded by the fact that I couldn't breathe and felt like I was about to faint and he was like, "whatever, suck it up". When someone is having so much trouble breathing that they are about to hyperventilate you don't tell them to suck it up and go faster, you tell them to take a break for a second. So yah, then I started to cry and he had no clue what to do. He was one of those guys that has no idea what to do around a crying girl. Kind of gave me a secret and sick validation to think that I was making him uncomfortable.
So I am asking McBaldy if I can switch trainers again. This guys all changing my programs and stuff saying that they aren't right. But he doesn't know shit and thinks I'm trying to lose weight, when in reality my long-term goal is to change my body composition and increase my lean muscle mass. So he thinks he knows what he's talking about....but he's just a moron without a clue. And he was short, so it was kind of hard to take him seriously.
Another major UGH is the news that Tony gave me today about this fucking thing that drives us crazy. I'm SO not going into details because it's none of your fucking business (nosy bitches, hahaha, only joking!) but it pisses me off like crazy. I just wish that people would leave us alone and be happy for us, but NOOOOO all they can do is think about how to destroy other people's happiness for their own validation and because they have no one. Well you bitch, here's what I have to say to you: Go fuck yourself because nobody else is going to do it.
I'm not sure if you're upset with me or something. I'm a little confused and honestly, a little hurt as to what's going on. Actually, I don't even know what's going on. I just wish you'd let me in and trust me again, and tell me what to do to make it right. I just want to help you and for you to be happy.
Ok, so I know that this post has just been me basically whining and complaining, but I don't care. Everybody has off days and everybody has the right to bitch about it. This has really not been my weekend and I am venting. Deal. Hahahaha, sorry, just thought about the trainers face when I started to cry. I almost feel sorry for the poor guy.
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