Behold, the 943 g bag of Mini Eggs, which will make me fat. I have absolutely no willpower or self-control when it comes to not eating things or buying clothes. I had to put the bag in a hard to reach place because even though I was full and about to be sick because of the amount of minieggs I had eaten, I kept on eating them. Now they are stored safely in my cupboard which takes like five minutes to get too because I have to first stand on a chair and then the countertop in the kitchen. So not worth it.
Right now instead of studying for my exams, which are in three days (shit) I have been researching professors and research projects for my Master's. I am still unsure about whether or not I want to actually do my Master's Degree, but I figure it can't hurt to apply. There are like three profs at Guelph that I really think would be interesting, and I've had two of them as profs already so I know they're pretty cool. I'm just not too sure how I would do at writing a thesis and having to go to the lab everyday. I guess we'll find out.
I am super excited for Melissa and I's trip to Punta Cana. I am determined to look ridiculously hot in my new Victoria's Secret bikinis and knock'em dead. So I've been working out hardcore lately. I'm definitely starting to see some positive results...a lot less "muffin top". hahahahaha. That term kills me. I almost want to stay in Guelph because I love the gym here. I mean I know there are gyms everywhere, but I really like the atmosphere of this one, the way its set up, the people, the trainers, etc. But alas, I am stuck working in Toronto at the bank again this summer. A serious boo urns to that. I fucking HATE the bank. It's so depressing and makes my soul want to die. Think I'm being overdramatic? Why don't you try sitting 4 stories underground with no windows, Sri Lankans talking about you with recirculated air for 10 hours a day.
I had to help my mom with my grandma yesterday, getting her for Easter dinner and such, and it really just makes me sad. She's turning 94 this year and you can really tell what a difference it makes if someone took care of themselves earlier on in life. My grandma never used to exercise or eat properly and stuff like that, and now you can really tell. She has serious osteoporosis, shaking and memory loss...also blind in one eye. I really hope that if I ever get like that someone just shoots me. No offense. But I would rather die than just exist. What's the point in being alive if you're not living?
1 comment:
Congrats on your gaining of muscle! You've always had a sexy body my dear, now it's just more sexified!
I got that huge bag of mini eggs too, I quickly gave it to my best friend's little sister before I was too tempted to eat it!
I know its hard to see your grandmother like that, I had to deal with that for 10 years before my grandmother passed away this past summer. Just don't think about what she could have done in the past to change her life now, think about some of the things she accomplished in her life, like birthing and rasing children! Back then, things like the gym and doctors weren't as available as they are now. I always wondered what my grandmother did to deserve the fate that was handed to her. As if giving birth to 8 children and rasing them by yourself isn't hard enough!
Just enjoy the time you have left, you'll miss her when she's gone.
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