Monday, February 12, 2007

Ohhhh Pink Shoes!

1) Nothing can make you feel better like going home. HOOOOMMMMEEEEE!!!!!! I hadn't been home in awhile, so I was super excited to go. All last week I felt like crap and was all mope-y and depressed, and then I went home and it was like magic! I felt all hyper and giggly and happy again. It's like I can get by for so long without going home and then I just can't make it anymore and have to see my Mommy, Daddy and kitties or I can't go on any longer. It's just a fact.

2) I have a major shopping problem. And my Mom is JUST as bad as I am. She has more t-shirts, capris and jewelry than me, but I probably have more shoes, jeans, purses and sweaters. When we go shopping together it is just bad news all around. I was only going to buy a sweatshirt at LuLu Lemon, and I walked out with a new pair of pants, a sweatshirt and a sportsbra, none of which I paid for. haha! And at H&M I was only going to buy this wickedly cool shirt, and then she made me try on a dress which is super pretty, and then forced me to buy it. So I did. Because she kept talking about all of these cool accessories that I could wear with it! It's a black and white flowered dress with an A-line skirt, and if I wear like a green belt with it and green accessories that would be cool, or a pink belt and buy these awesome pink shoes from Aldo. And she just kept talking and talking about how cool it would be, and then I kept thinking about how cool it would be, so I got the dress. But now I have to spend a fortune on accessories. Ah well.

3) She also made me buy this cute red polka-dot jacket thing. No clue where I'll wear it. But it's pretty awesome.

4) I am sooooooo super pissed about my cloning kit not being here yet. My entire research project has been stopped for like a week and a half because my stupid prof wouldn't order the kit himself and now I have to wait for the shipping and for them to call and I have no clue where to pick it up. It's really annoying me. Surprisingly enough I actually miss going into the lab.

5) My mom bought me this dress from American Eagle while she was on her cruise/in the States. I had originally bought the dress over Christmas holidays but returned it because it made me look like a lard ass. But I guess all the gym-ing I've been doing is paying off, because it looked totally hot this time around. And it's a pretty awesome colour too. I may have to wear it around over jeans because it looks so good. Not that I'm full of myself of anything.

6) I'm seriously tempted to buy these smokin' hot underwear from Jacob. But the matching underwear is a thong, and I'm not so much into thongs anymore. They kind of annoy me. But I really kind of want the bra, and you can't get the bra without matching underwear, otherwise it destroys the ambience. Plus they might look totally hot for Valentine's Day.

7) I ate so much chocolate this weekend. It was awesome.

8) When I was home I took a whole bunch of pictures of my cats because I realized I had like no pictures of them. Fluffy was getting kind of pissed off about the flash and Thai always looks absolutely petrified in the photos. There is this one funny one where Fluffy looks like she's drunk and falling over, but really she's just coming out of a good stretch.

1 comment:

Miss.Emily said...

I like the green idea with the black and white.

Also, I dont know why but your blog title is being cut off at the top of the screen... dont know if you knew or what...