Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I'm SO over it.

You know how you have your dream job and guy and house and kids and look into the future and can see yourself there and all happy. Maybe it's weird but I can never see that. Maybe it's because I don't have a dream job or house or kids, but I just can't see it. Everybody has that vision of the when their older and their either working or at home and they seem really happy, but I can't see it. It kind of seems like my life ends after University to me, when really it should be just beginning. Maybe it's because I have travel plans for the first month out of school and don't really have any plans for a job. And I haven't really started looking for a job either.

Ok, I don't want a job. I don't like working. There. I said it.

I just can't seem to think of a job (or career if you will) where I will be happy and find it interesting enough. I get BORED. It's like I'm interested in a lot of things, but nothing holds my attention long enough. But does being a housewife interest me? Not really.

If sitting at home for the past five and a half days has taught me anything it's that I get a feeling of being claustrophobic when I'm in one place and can't leave. I've been driven insane. Mind you I was so sick for the first two days I could barely walk up the stairs, but still, I'm ready to go. But not back to Guelph. Oh no. I don't want to go back there. Because then I have to go into the lab and study and be forced to think about how in a month and a half I will be forced into the real world, VERY much against my will.

And the snow is making me depressed. I was ready for spring. SO ready. Snow is so over. You know how Mother Nature likes to tease you, and give you those two or three days where it's warm enough to wear a vest and running shoes and you get all excited that it's warm and you think the snow is going to melt. And then the bitch turns around and has it snow for about two and a half days straight. F that.

I can't believe I'm up this early. Do you ever get that feeling where your body is tired and your eyes are tired, but your legs just do not want to sit still? It's like they need to go on a 10 km marathon or something. It's fucking annoying as hell. Anyways, that was happening to me allllll last night and it was driving me nuts. Poor Fluffy had to leave my warm, comfy, pillow-y bed because I wouldn't stop moving. I only slept for about 6 hours. This probably happened because for the past four days I've been in the recliner, then the couch, then my mom's bed, then back to the couch and haven't been walking around much because it made me throw up. That's right, too much movement made me nauseous as hell.

On a more positive note, all of this being lazy has made me find a new appreciation for our satellite dish and daytime talk shows. No joke. Well more specifically the Tyra Banks Show and the Ellen DeGeneres Show. They are pretty sweet. I love the Tyra show because it's Tyra man! She rocks! And she had this whole show about when the paparazzi took that picture and called her fat because she was 161 pounds at 5'10" or something like that, and that happens to be right around the weight she should be at! It was awesome. I was all like, "Go Tyra, It's your Birthday, shake your booty!" It's nice to know that there are some stars out there who aren't trying to be size 00 and encourage everybody to be a different size and shape. Because we are all different shapes.

Oh yah, and Ellen rocks too.

Ok, well I was just killing time until I could shower, and now I'm going to do so.

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