1) I find it kind of hard to write blogs when I'm feeling good and happy. Weird eh? I think I see blogs as a way of venting and releasing bad feelings, so when I'm feeling good I don't like to write blogs because I want to keep all the happiness inside and not let it out. Is that selfish?! hahaha! I don't care if it is!
2) Happy Father's Day Daddy!!!!!!! You're the bestest!
3) hahahaha, oh man, on Friday I got hit on by this guy, and he was actually quite nice and relatively cute, but he was wearing plaid board shorts and a striped polo. And I couldn't quite handle it. If single guys are wondering why they are still single, it's usually because of the way they dress or dance.
4) On Saturday at Squeeze we danced the night away. It was awesome. Although, what was perplexing was the group of five or six guys who were just like standing in a circle in the middle of the dance floor talking and then they'd randomly dance, and then just start talking again. Is this normal guy behaviour? I don't get it. Shouldn't you be wanting to dance with girls and not your guy friends? Do groups of guys sitting around on Saturday say, "We should go dancing!" like girls do?
Boys confuse me.

5) They're already talking about promoting me at work. I find this hilarious and exciting at the same time. I really need the money, but I find it hilarious that they want me to start on sales for personal training and the nutrition program, and then take the personal training course, and possibly be the assistant Zone Health centre manager. ummmmmm, I do nothing at work. Seriously. I am pro at looking like I am working, when I am actually doing nothing. It's kind of awesome. I do enjoy the comfy track suits though.
6) I got offered a job at GoodLife Fitness in membership sales too. Jeff was like, "I would have hired you! Why didn't you come talk to me?!". So if I decide that I don't like my job now, or that I would prefer working at GoodLife there is apparently a job waiting for me at the Fairway one, which is pretty freaking sweet.
7) I have realized I like food way too much for my own good. Like, I really really REALLY like it. I think I may need help.
8) I got a marriage proposal this week, I am considering accepting. hahahahaha, but not really. I'm not too sure I could ever live with a boy. ick. Oh, and plus the proposal was a joke from Chris.
9) Oakville is packed full of popped collared, white button-up shirts wearing, spike-y haired douchebags. Seriously.....it's chock full of them. If that is your type, get here now. You have your pick. If I see one more white button-up shirt I will flip out. All the guys here are just clones of one another. It is SO boring and I am so OVER IT.
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