2 Jager bombs + 4 Swedish Berries shots + at least 7 beers = the most BRUTAL night of my life.
My apologies to Trish who had to take care of me while I was throwing up and then listen to me crying for an hour. Seriously, I don't know what the fuck is up with me throwing up when drinking lately. I think I need to learn to accept that I no longer have my alcoholic-like tolerance that I used to have in high school.......because I WAS an alcoholic back then. hahaha.
Oh man, today was balls. It was just awful. I was lying rotting on the couch for like three hours and then forced myself to take a walk outside to get some fresh air, which actually really really helped. But seriously, I am NEVER drinking that much again. I'm not even drinking again until my birthday, and even then I'm only having like.....three beers. And with my pathetic tolerance that will probably get me drunk. So sad. So very very sad.
In other news I saw Knocked Up on Friday....and it is friggin' AWESOME. Everyone should go and see it immediately....if not sooner! Seriously, it was soooo hilarious. I was actually crying at one point and my abs were burning. It was a brilliant movie. I haven't seen a movie that good in a VERY long time. Incredible.
Although I have decided I am NEVER having children. They showed the "crowning" moment of childbirth and it just looked awful. That is NOT natural. I don't care what anyone says...having snot-nosed brats scream at you for the next 30 years is not worth that. Not cool, not cool at all.
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