Ok, so this idiot girl on America's Next Top Model got kicked off tonight...and all I can say is THANK GOD. Who the fuck doesn't know what anti-fur is? And apparently it's not ok to kill animals for fur, but it's alright to steal the fur off of their DEAD BACKS. You know, when they're all infested with bugs and dead and smelling.
What an idiot.
I am so thankful that I do not have to listen to her say, "I don't get it" for another twelve weeks of my life. Plus her hair was pretty hideous.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
I'm SO over it.
You know how you have your dream job and guy and house and kids and look into the future and can see yourself there and all happy. Maybe it's weird but I can never see that. Maybe it's because I don't have a dream job or house or kids, but I just can't see it. Everybody has that vision of the when their older and their either working or at home and they seem really happy, but I can't see it. It kind of seems like my life ends after University to me, when really it should be just beginning. Maybe it's because I have travel plans for the first month out of school and don't really have any plans for a job. And I haven't really started looking for a job either.
Ok, I don't want a job. I don't like working. There. I said it.
I just can't seem to think of a job (or career if you will) where I will be happy and find it interesting enough. I get BORED. It's like I'm interested in a lot of things, but nothing holds my attention long enough. But does being a housewife interest me? Not really.
If sitting at home for the past five and a half days has taught me anything it's that I get a feeling of being claustrophobic when I'm in one place and can't leave. I've been driven insane. Mind you I was so sick for the first two days I could barely walk up the stairs, but still, I'm ready to go. But not back to Guelph. Oh no. I don't want to go back there. Because then I have to go into the lab and study and be forced to think about how in a month and a half I will be forced into the real world, VERY much against my will.
And the snow is making me depressed. I was ready for spring. SO ready. Snow is so over. You know how Mother Nature likes to tease you, and give you those two or three days where it's warm enough to wear a vest and running shoes and you get all excited that it's warm and you think the snow is going to melt. And then the bitch turns around and has it snow for about two and a half days straight. F that.
I can't believe I'm up this early. Do you ever get that feeling where your body is tired and your eyes are tired, but your legs just do not want to sit still? It's like they need to go on a 10 km marathon or something. It's fucking annoying as hell. Anyways, that was happening to me allllll last night and it was driving me nuts. Poor Fluffy had to leave my warm, comfy, pillow-y bed because I wouldn't stop moving. I only slept for about 6 hours. This probably happened because for the past four days I've been in the recliner, then the couch, then my mom's bed, then back to the couch and haven't been walking around much because it made me throw up. That's right, too much movement made me nauseous as hell.
On a more positive note, all of this being lazy has made me find a new appreciation for our satellite dish and daytime talk shows. No joke. Well more specifically the Tyra Banks Show and the Ellen DeGeneres Show. They are pretty sweet. I love the Tyra show because it's Tyra man! She rocks! And she had this whole show about when the paparazzi took that picture and called her fat because she was 161 pounds at 5'10" or something like that, and that happens to be right around the weight she should be at! It was awesome. I was all like, "Go Tyra, It's your Birthday, shake your booty!" It's nice to know that there are some stars out there who aren't trying to be size 00 and encourage everybody to be a different size and shape. Because we are all different shapes.
Oh yah, and Ellen rocks too.
Ok, well I was just killing time until I could shower, and now I'm going to do so.
Ok, I don't want a job. I don't like working. There. I said it.
I just can't seem to think of a job (or career if you will) where I will be happy and find it interesting enough. I get BORED. It's like I'm interested in a lot of things, but nothing holds my attention long enough. But does being a housewife interest me? Not really.
If sitting at home for the past five and a half days has taught me anything it's that I get a feeling of being claustrophobic when I'm in one place and can't leave. I've been driven insane. Mind you I was so sick for the first two days I could barely walk up the stairs, but still, I'm ready to go. But not back to Guelph. Oh no. I don't want to go back there. Because then I have to go into the lab and study and be forced to think about how in a month and a half I will be forced into the real world, VERY much against my will.
And the snow is making me depressed. I was ready for spring. SO ready. Snow is so over. You know how Mother Nature likes to tease you, and give you those two or three days where it's warm enough to wear a vest and running shoes and you get all excited that it's warm and you think the snow is going to melt. And then the bitch turns around and has it snow for about two and a half days straight. F that.
I can't believe I'm up this early. Do you ever get that feeling where your body is tired and your eyes are tired, but your legs just do not want to sit still? It's like they need to go on a 10 km marathon or something. It's fucking annoying as hell. Anyways, that was happening to me allllll last night and it was driving me nuts. Poor Fluffy had to leave my warm, comfy, pillow-y bed because I wouldn't stop moving. I only slept for about 6 hours. This probably happened because for the past four days I've been in the recliner, then the couch, then my mom's bed, then back to the couch and haven't been walking around much because it made me throw up. That's right, too much movement made me nauseous as hell.
On a more positive note, all of this being lazy has made me find a new appreciation for our satellite dish and daytime talk shows. No joke. Well more specifically the Tyra Banks Show and the Ellen DeGeneres Show. They are pretty sweet. I love the Tyra show because it's Tyra man! She rocks! And she had this whole show about when the paparazzi took that picture and called her fat because she was 161 pounds at 5'10" or something like that, and that happens to be right around the weight she should be at! It was awesome. I was all like, "Go Tyra, It's your Birthday, shake your booty!" It's nice to know that there are some stars out there who aren't trying to be size 00 and encourage everybody to be a different size and shape. Because we are all different shapes.
Oh yah, and Ellen rocks too.
Ok, well I was just killing time until I could shower, and now I'm going to do so.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
I cried a lot during Grey's Anatomy tonight. I tend to get over emotional when I spend a lot of time by myself. And lately I've been spending a lot of time by myself.
I don't know whether it's by choice or if I've just been forgotten.
Or maybe I've finally pushed people away so much that they don't want me there anymore. It wouldn't surprise me. I get into my little routines. The more time I spend alone, the deeper into the routine I get. And the harder it is for me to get out of the routine.
Did you notice that I wasn't there?
Most of the time I don't want to be noticed. But sometimes I wish I was noticed more.
I don't know whether it's by choice or if I've just been forgotten.
Or maybe I've finally pushed people away so much that they don't want me there anymore. It wouldn't surprise me. I get into my little routines. The more time I spend alone, the deeper into the routine I get. And the harder it is for me to get out of the routine.
Did you notice that I wasn't there?
Most of the time I don't want to be noticed. But sometimes I wish I was noticed more.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Ohhhh Pink Shoes!
1) Nothing can make you feel better like going home. HOOOOMMMMEEEEE!!!!!! I hadn't been home in awhile, so I was super excited to go. All last week I felt like crap and was all mope-y and depressed, and then I went home and it was like magic! I felt all hyper and giggly and happy again. It's like I can get by for so long without going home and then I just can't make it anymore and have to see my Mommy, Daddy and kitties or I can't go on any longer. It's just a fact.
2) I have a major shopping problem. And my Mom is JUST as bad as I am. She has more t-shirts, capris and jewelry than me, but I probably have more shoes, jeans, purses and sweaters. When we go shopping together it is just bad news all around. I was only going to buy a sweatshirt at LuLu Lemon, and I walked out with a new pair of pants, a sweatshirt and a sportsbra, none of which I paid for. haha! And at H&M I was only going to buy this wickedly cool shirt, and then she made me try on a dress which is super pretty, and then forced me to buy it. So I did. Because she kept talking about all of these cool accessories that I could wear with it! It's a black and white flowered dress with an A-line skirt, and if I wear like a green belt with it and green accessories that would be cool, or a pink belt and buy these awesome pink shoes from Aldo. And she just kept talking and talking about how cool it would be, and then I kept thinking about how cool it would be, so I got the dress. But now I have to spend a fortune on accessories. Ah well.
3) She also made me buy this cute red polka-dot jacket thing. No clue where I'll wear it. But it's pretty awesome.
4) I am sooooooo super pissed about my cloning kit not being here yet. My entire research project has been stopped for like a week and a half because my stupid prof wouldn't order the kit himself and now I have to wait for the shipping and for them to call and I have no clue where to pick it up. It's really annoying me. Surprisingly enough I actually miss going into the lab.
5) My mom bought me this dress from American Eagle while she was on her cruise/in the States. I had originally bought the dress over Christmas holidays but returned it because it made me look like a lard ass. But I guess all the gym-ing I've been doing is paying off, because it looked totally hot this time around. And it's a pretty awesome colour too. I may have to wear it around over jeans because it looks so good. Not that I'm full of myself of anything.
6) I'm seriously tempted to buy these smokin' hot underwear from Jacob. But the matching underwear is a thong, and I'm not so much into thongs anymore. They kind of annoy me. But I really kind of want the bra, and you can't get the bra without matching underwear, otherwise it destroys the ambience. Plus they might look totally hot for Valentine's Day.
7) I ate so much chocolate this weekend. It was awesome.

2) I have a major shopping problem. And my Mom is JUST as bad as I am. She has more t-shirts, capris and jewelry than me, but I probably have more shoes, jeans, purses and sweaters. When we go shopping together it is just bad news all around. I was only going to buy a sweatshirt at LuLu Lemon, and I walked out with a new pair of pants, a sweatshirt and a sportsbra, none of which I paid for. haha! And at H&M I was only going to buy this wickedly cool shirt, and then she made me try on a dress which is super pretty, and then forced me to buy it. So I did. Because she kept talking about all of these cool accessories that I could wear with it! It's a black and white flowered dress with an A-line skirt, and if I wear like a green belt with it and green accessories that would be cool, or a pink belt and buy these awesome pink shoes from Aldo. And she just kept talking and talking about how cool it would be, and then I kept thinking about how cool it would be, so I got the dress. But now I have to spend a fortune on accessories. Ah well.
3) She also made me buy this cute red polka-dot jacket thing. No clue where I'll wear it. But it's pretty awesome.
4) I am sooooooo super pissed about my cloning kit not being here yet. My entire research project has been stopped for like a week and a half because my stupid prof wouldn't order the kit himself and now I have to wait for the shipping and for them to call and I have no clue where to pick it up. It's really annoying me. Surprisingly enough I actually miss going into the lab.
5) My mom bought me this dress from American Eagle while she was on her cruise/in the States. I had originally bought the dress over Christmas holidays but returned it because it made me look like a lard ass. But I guess all the gym-ing I've been doing is paying off, because it looked totally hot this time around. And it's a pretty awesome colour too. I may have to wear it around over jeans because it looks so good. Not that I'm full of myself of anything.
6) I'm seriously tempted to buy these smokin' hot underwear from Jacob. But the matching underwear is a thong, and I'm not so much into thongs anymore. They kind of annoy me. But I really kind of want the bra, and you can't get the bra without matching underwear, otherwise it destroys the ambience. Plus they might look totally hot for Valentine's Day.
7) I ate so much chocolate this weekend. It was awesome.
8) When I was home I took a whole bunch of pictures of my cats because I realized I had like no pictures of them. Fluffy was getting kind of pissed off about the flash and Thai always looks absolutely petrified in the photos. There is this one funny one where Fluffy looks like she's drunk and falling over, but really she's just coming out of a good stretch.

Friday, February 09, 2007
I just did something nobody should EVER have to do. I rinsed out a bathtub full of my disgusting, annoying, skankwhore roommates PUBIC HAIR.
Next time she asks if she's offended me I'll just be like, "You know what offends me? PUBIC HAIR YOU SKANKY BITCH". And then calmly slap her in the face.
Get some respect.
Next time she asks if she's offended me I'll just be like, "You know what offends me? PUBIC HAIR YOU SKANKY BITCH". And then calmly slap her in the face.
Get some respect.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
I was ambushed earlier this evening. My roommate verbally attacked me out of nowhere. I may not be the most friendly person to live with, but that's because I'M NOT HER FRIEND. To me she is just some random girl who moved into the room in our house.
Melissa and I were excitedly tearing open our Victoria's Secret package earlier this evening when Claire came home. When she came in the house she said "Hi" to both of us, and we both said "Hi" back. She then proceeded to stand in the hallway and stare at me and then said, "Why don't you look at me when I'm saying hello to you Jaime?" I was like, "ummm, I'm opening up my package that we've been waiting like two weeks for. Sorry." She then left the room only to come storming back in yelling, "Did I do something to offend you? Because you act like I've offended you in some way, when you've actually offended me." I was like, "um, no." Then she's all like, "Well we have to live together for the next three months. " I was like, "ok, so?" She's like, "so I haven't offended you at all? Funny because you act like I have."
I chose not to respond.
Then she fires back with, "So I guess you're just an unfriendly person then right."
I was absolutely flabbergasted. Who the FUCK does she think she is? She doesn't know a god damn thing about me!
Melissa was like, "THAT was offensive Claire."
Then Claire just walked out of the room.
I don't know what was up her ugly fat ass, but if she has a problem with me she can talk to me about it in PRIVACY. How ignorant is it to talk about something like that with someone else in the room? But now I can think of a list about 30 items long of things that she's done to offend me.
SORRY that I gave you a ride to school every morning, I won't be making that mistake again. I don't give a shit about your pathetic love life with your disgusting boyfriend who's old enough to be your father. I don't care if you don't have any money or you have to drop your class or your mother is a lesbian. You know why I don't care? YOU'RE NOT MY FRIEND.
I am polite to you and put up with your annoying habits. I don't say anything because we live together and I didn't want there to be tension. TOO LATE FOR THAT!
God, you're so fucking annoying. I will be so glad when I never have to see you EVER again.
Melissa and I were excitedly tearing open our Victoria's Secret package earlier this evening when Claire came home. When she came in the house she said "Hi" to both of us, and we both said "Hi" back. She then proceeded to stand in the hallway and stare at me and then said, "Why don't you look at me when I'm saying hello to you Jaime?" I was like, "ummm, I'm opening up my package that we've been waiting like two weeks for. Sorry." She then left the room only to come storming back in yelling, "Did I do something to offend you? Because you act like I've offended you in some way, when you've actually offended me." I was like, "um, no." Then she's all like, "Well we have to live together for the next three months. " I was like, "ok, so?" She's like, "so I haven't offended you at all? Funny because you act like I have."
I chose not to respond.
Then she fires back with, "So I guess you're just an unfriendly person then right."
I was absolutely flabbergasted. Who the FUCK does she think she is? She doesn't know a god damn thing about me!
Melissa was like, "THAT was offensive Claire."
Then Claire just walked out of the room.
I don't know what was up her ugly fat ass, but if she has a problem with me she can talk to me about it in PRIVACY. How ignorant is it to talk about something like that with someone else in the room? But now I can think of a list about 30 items long of things that she's done to offend me.
SORRY that I gave you a ride to school every morning, I won't be making that mistake again. I don't give a shit about your pathetic love life with your disgusting boyfriend who's old enough to be your father. I don't care if you don't have any money or you have to drop your class or your mother is a lesbian. You know why I don't care? YOU'RE NOT MY FRIEND.
I am polite to you and put up with your annoying habits. I don't say anything because we live together and I didn't want there to be tension. TOO LATE FOR THAT!
God, you're so fucking annoying. I will be so glad when I never have to see you EVER again.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Oh the humanity!!!!
So, I finally started working out with a personal trainer (her name is Megan, she's pretty cool) and she's kicking my ass. Like I literally had trouble moving my body on Sunday. Tony knows. I wouldn't shut up about it and made him give me a massage. I don't think he was impressed. She kicked my ass again today. We'll see if I can bend my legs tomorrow.

Our house is broken. It's broken and dying and really it's kind of sad. There are approximately six holes in our bathroom wall, broken drywall crumbles all over the floor and a sad little glass container catching the leak drips from the kitchen sink. The plumber is here right now and it's kind of annoying because he makes a looooot of noise. I'd almost him rather leave the holes. I have kind of grown fond of them.
In other news my mom got back from her cruise on Sunday and she has finally discovered how to text message on her new shiny red cell phone. So she text messaged me about eight times on Sunday telling me how she's back and how she bought me presents. And then to really annoy me she wouldn't tell me what the presents were. Not even a damn hint. It better be sparkly and shiny and wearable. And maybe some clothes too. I'm going home on Saturday to find out what she got me, and possibly get her to take me to LuLu Lemon to buy me stuff that is from my 'grandma'. Meaning it's her money but has no clue that she buys me presents all the time. Also going to make my mom take me to see Because I Said So. It looks amazingly like a chick flick...and I LOOOOOVE chick flicks.
I went a little crazy with the digital camera the other day. What can I say? I looked totally smokin'.

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