Monday, December 18, 2006

The Word Of The Day

I am slowly becoming like my counting machine...dull, robotic and empty-headed...with the occasional screw-up. At work my mind just drifts into brain turns to mush. I often find myself planning my lunch break that is two days away just so that I have something to look forward too...pathetic I know.

Today, for an hour and a half I contemplated why a swear word is a swear word. Why do people think 'fuck' is a bad word and not...'apple' for instance. There is no reason why one word is worse than another. I bet that somewhere along the line somebody just decided to bestow the honour of 'fuck' being a bad word for shigiggles (shits and giggles) and see how everybody reacted. Worked out quite well don't you think. You might say that 'fuck' is a bad word because it sounds vulgar...but this is not so. We were raised to think that it is not a proper word for a proper young lady and therefore it is conditioned to sound vulgar to us. One day I am going to decide that a common word like "pen", "chair", "bag" or "glass" is a bad word...what would people do then. Why do we have 'acceptable' alternatives for the word 'fuck'? Sometimes I just don't understand.

Somebody save me from myself. The fluroescent lights and counting machines (which will soon be my I am turning into one of them) are frying my brain.

Do other people have thoughts like this? Or should I just give up hope now.


Miss.Emily said...

Is that you?! You're the cutest little button I've ever seen :)

YourSecretLover said...

haha yah that's me! I know eh! what the hell happened?! apparently I was quite the little terror.