Thursday, December 14, 2006

Do I Know You? Because You May Know Me...

I always forget my positive attributes.

I don't have any problem noticing and remembering anything negative about myself. But I always find myself surprised whenever somebody pays me a compliment or says something nice about me. Always. Now that I think about it, I find it rather sad. I should be able to think of at least four things about myself that I like. And I can't.

The summer between grades 11 and 12 I went on a month-long trip to England. I did my OAC English credit over there and basically had one of the best times of my life. My teacher over there was inspired to write us (her Millie's class) good-bye notes after I hugged her at dinner on the last night. In it she wrote that she learned from me. I just found this note this afternoon, and I found it amazing that anybody could learn ANYTHING from me. What she wrote touched me and I was startled to realize that they may be true. I need to stop surprising myself.

The things she learned from me:

1) You can never have too many jean skirts. (A rule which I still live by.)

2) Let all the joy inside you bubble out and infect everyone around you. (Do I really infect people?)

3) Smile frequently to show people how beautiful you are. (Didn't have orthodontics since grade two for nothing!)

4) Crying in public is perfectly O.K. (*ahem* yes I may still cry frequently...and in public.)

Why do I need people who are almost strangers to point out good qualities in myself?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great teacher, thats so nice :)

I think it's important to know (and aknowledge) your good attributes because you're the one that needs to live with yourself 24/7, and if you only notice the negative things... you'll have a shitty time hanging around with yourself, holy man. I want to add something to that list...

5) You're an amazing girlfriend to my roommate. You make him VERY happy.

OH and...

6) You're gorgeous. With a rockin' body. Go dancers, we kick ass!!