Or punch a wall. Or punch someone.
No...I want to punch you.
Quite badly.

You have no idea what you want and yet you say that I am the one who doesn't. You say I'm confused, but you are confusing. I don't know if you mean to mess with my head or not, but you are. And I am very close to snapping.
It's my own fault really. I never should have gotten involved, and now I don't have the willpower or strength to break away. I don't respond to anyone else that way I respond to you. No one else can make me so mad that I practically have steam coming out my ears, or laugh so hard I cry, or make me feel the way you do when you smile at me, or make my skin tingle...I can feel where you touched me long after you did.

This is not good. This is the worst thing that could possibly happen. I don't even know how I let this happen.
How sad is it that I just want you?
I know how fucked up in the head being crazy about someone can make you... that's why they call it being "crazy" about someone! I don't know that there is any sanity in loving someone but it would be nice... but what fun would it be if it was all rational and simple?
I chanced upon this post while surfing on net.
what you have written is quite true and honest... and emily's (first comment) on it is also quite reflecting... who would want it when its all so rational and simple... but just that all the craziness sometimes takes a toll on you when you have to decide... its fun while it lasts but sometimes when u have to channelize the "craziness" and theres no way one can do it.. its taxing and time to say enough is enough even when you have a wish left in your heart... that may be the other side still tries...
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