I am slightly regret-ful. Is that even a word? I doubt it. I can't get my head on straight and it's really freaking annoying. Like I can see reason, but I can't make myself believe it. I want to live in my fantasy world where you may like me, but I know you can't/won't/don't.
I know myself well enough to know that I can't have that. I want/deserve more.
And what about you? You can never find out about my regret. I don't want to blow it. But I want to be wanted. I like that. Who doesn't like that?
You shocked me and I'm still reeling. How come you won't look me in the eye?
I can't decide. And it's driving me insane. I don't want to think/talk about it anymore. Just make my decision for me.
I don't know what/who this post is about, but I like it. And I don't know if what I'm about to say will have any relevance/meaning to you, but I'm still gonna say it.
Your gut feeling/instinct is usually always right, and even though it may be the opposite of what your brain tells you sometimes you just have to go with it. Trust your own heart when making important decisions, it knows what's going on.
Girl, this post totally exemplifies everything that I feel! I am SO relieved to find that I'm not the only one out there feelin kinda like this.
Cheers, m'dear! I hope you don't mind if I read your blog!! I'm gonna start getting back into this thing, so feel free to read mine as well!
Everything is an Illusion. Reality, feeling, etc...
Thus it being illusion, you can change it.
You can change how you precieve you to be, you can change how you feel towards someone, you can change EVERYTHING. You can even change the colour of the sky, the ocean, the shape of a glass.
Nothing is as it seems.
Keep that in mind when your fighting or creating drama.
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