Friday, March 09, 2007

I realized today that I become emotionally attached to my clothes. I died a little inside today when I discovered that my favourite jeans EVER have a hole in them. That's right. A hole in my Sevens. My beautiful, wonderful, comfortable, ass-loving Sevens. Now I can see WHY there is a hole in them. I've worn them for about three times a week for the past two and a half years. They were finally perfectly molded to my ass and thighs and in the most awesome state of comfortableness ever. I may have to go and buy the exact same pair of jeans again. They are too wonderful to just give up. I should throw them in the garbage, but I just can't bring myself to do it. No lie. They are lying on my bed right now and I just don't have the heart to throw them out.

Makes me wonder if they just ripped because my ass loved them too much, or because my ass was too big.

1 comment:

Miss.Emily said...

I'd keep wearing them. A hole adds character to them and makes them even more unique, as if they were made just for you. If the hole is that big, just patch it up and no one will ever know!