Wednesday, March 14, 2007

F That

Have you ever looked in the mirror and not recognized yourself? Sat there wondering who that person is and what they have become. That happened to me today. All I thought was, "I remember who I used to be, but what happened?" To be honest, I'm a little disappointed in myself. That I lost who I was.

I remember a time when I was actually a person I kind of liked. You know that question in those stupid e-mail surveys where they ask if you would be friends with yourself? I always think no, but then write maybe. I used to answer yes. I used to be able to make friends and not care what other people thought and just be friendly. I wonder when that went away. I feel like I'm socially inept and retarded...that I just don't get how it works anymore. I'm not too sure when I lost that...when I lost my self-confidence and the ability to believe that I was a good person.

It's gotten to a point where I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm afraid that if I try I'll be rejected. Probably because I've been so blatantly rejected in the past. People just brush other people off and don't think about it for two seconds. They don't think about how that makes you feel. I do it too. We all do it. You engage in a conversation with someone and just forget about the other person standing there. Most of the time now I'm just the other person. And I don't know how that happened.

I hate to sound conceited, but I know I'm pretty. It's probably the only thing I know about myself for sure. I may not have the best body or be the smartest girl or have any special athletic ability, but I'm pretty. That's what I am. I hate to think that that's all I am or all I get to be. Do you ever notice that the girls who are attractive, but not outright pretty get to be fun and outgoing and quirky and loud...and if the pretty girls act that way they are labelled as conceited or bitchy or attention seeking? I have been told that I am attention seeking and egotistical before. It was a humiliating experience. But sometimes I wonder why I was told that? After all, the thing that I'm told most about myself is that I'm pretty, and I think I am. I don't think that's egotistical. I do not put other girls down to make myself feel better, or go around telling everyone that I think I'm amazing. But I toned it down. Maybe a bit too much.

And now it's not my looks that I am self-conscious about, like some girls. It's who I am. I've been told I can't be someone by somebody because I'm pretty. Or I'm told I'm pretty. I know, I sound so conceited right now, but it's just how I feel. I mean, I don't tell Melissa that she can't be funny or pretty because she's practically a genius. And nobody told Trish that she can't be a swimmer because she's interested in fashion. Not one person told Maria she couldn't be in a fashion show because she used to be a rower, or told Tina that she couldn't play volleyball or basketball because she liked to wear skirts. But apparently I can't be loud and outgoing because I'm 'pretty'. I think I might be just feeling sorry for myself right now because I am comparing myself to other girls who I feel that I should be like. That other people want me to be like.

I really just don't know anymore. I can't even think enough to really write a coherent blog. It's all, "Do you want me to be this?", "Is that what you want me to be like? Because I'm not her, and I never will be."

I don't WANT to be like her. And if you want me to be then you don't really know me at all. I am never going to be like her. So you need to get over it.


Miss.Emily said...

"You engage in a conversation with someone and just forget about the other person standing there. Most of the time now I'm just the other person. And I don't know how that happened."

I was often that person too, and sometimes still am. I think it stems from me being a bit of an introvert. What I've noticed about that situation is that you need to make yourself memorable. You need to make yourself part of the conversation, because people are not going to go out of their way to make you feel comfortable. That sounds blunt, but it's true. Often people are just as anxious about meeting new people as you are and if you just stand there, they'll get the impression that YOU don't want to talk to THEM. So they act aloof which makes you think THEY don't want to talk to YOU, then nobody talks to anybody!! Vicious cycle. I have shyness tendencies and I HATE small talk, so when I meet people I tend to be the one standing there fading away. My trick is to be really interested in the other person. I ask them a million questions about themselves, and people LOVE talking about themselves so that always go well, then when I run out of things to ask, I wait. To see if they ask me about myself and if they don't then we're done. I dont want a conversation just about them. But if they do ask me about myself? Well then, there's a conversation with someone where you're in the foreground. Getting rejected isn't as scary as it seems. Do you really want to get to know someone who doesn't want to get to know you?

Sorry for the rant.

Also, you are more than pretty, you're gorgeous. And you have a lot more going for you than just that.

Anonymous said...

I think you really need to spend sometime thinking about the person that you want to be. I find the people who leave the biggest impression on me are the people who are truely themselves.....or as I like to say "comfotable in their own skin". These people don't fit a stereotype, they are athletic and creative, smart and funny, any combination of characteristics. But I think what you are feeling right now is that you are testing the waters. Trying everything out. I think that is fantastic, that is the only way that you will find what you truely want to be. But in the process of trying everything out people will call you out on characteristics that, they don't see to be geniune. So my suggestion is to take it in baby steps. When you find characteristics that you like stick to them. And the biggest thing will be to remeber not to care what others think. because it is that self conscience side that people sense and that is when they mis interpret your actions. You should be full of self confidence I have known you for years and you have sooooooo much more going for you than just your looks. Besides the fact that you are beatiful, you are intelligent, funny and a truely caring friend.

The other advice I can offer you is to surround yourself by people you admire. I have found that the people who I really admire in the world are generally full of self confidence. This does rub off and it will change the way you look at every situation.

Take care love, and remeber to be happy with who you are, and the parts of yourself that you are not happy with.......change. Love ya Nicole