Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Facing Fears

I don't like to admit to most of my fears. Sure being afraid of a spider is one thing...but emotional fears are much harder to face. It's kind of scary and depressing to say that you're afraid you're going to die alone, probably found weeks later half eaten by wild dogs(thank you Bridget Jones). I've realized lately that I am afraid of a lot of things...too many things. Why am I so afraid? Why do I worry so much about being afraid? It's a perfectly natural feeling. I think mostly that I just don't like to admit that I have fears because it shows weakness. So, I thought that admitting my fears to myself might help me overcome them...well who am I kidding...I will never not scream when I see a centipede.

I'm afraid...

that no one will ever truly know who I am.

that some boys will never see past my conceited as that sounds.

of spiders, centipedes, millipedes, caterpillars...anything with multiple legs is just unnatural.

that I will never get that "feeling" in my stomach again.

that I made a rash decision.

that I was wrong.

that I will never know my parents.

that I will never find something that makes me truly happy.

that my friends are going to forget me when they're all grown up and have successful jobs and babies.

of trusting the wrong people in life.

of being alone in the dark.

that one day I will wake up and be a bitter old woman...oh wait, that was this morning.

that I will never find someone to love me for who I am.

that everyone is moving on without me.

that I am going to let my parents down.

of never living up to the person I want to be.

of really loud thunder.

that I will never regain my self-confidence.

that someone's kiss will never make my knees weak again.

that my friends have no clue who I am.

of growing up too fast.

that I will never have children.

of dying.

that I will never be able to travel.

of never knowing who I truly am.

of horror movies.

that I will give up on love.

What are your fears?

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