I am in love with those tights. They are possibly the best fashion decision I've made in 2008 so far. Thanks for them in my stocking mom!

I am confused. Very confused. Things have only gotten more confusing and not less confusing. I hate that. I didn't know it was possible for things to get more confusing. And why are boys ALWAYS at the root of the confusion? WHY? Do they know that they're this confusing? Is this FUN for them...because it's not fucking funny. I'm caught inbetween. Everything is telling me one way and I want to go another. Both ways are confusing. Can't people just be straight and honest? Do I not at least deserve that?

I shouldn't really be talking about honesty anyways. White lies, confusion, deception have almost become routine. But everyone has to have a little fun once in awhile............and some secrets. We all know how bad I am at keeping secrets though. This may be taking its toll on me. Possibly more than I know, but will find out in the long run.

It's Jan 8th and I'm already sick. This does not bode well for 2008. Ringing in the New Year was a blast, but being sick from Jan 2nd on isn't a good sign. 2008 is going to be a good year. I want it to be, so it will be. 2007 was full of lots of change, travelling, moving, decisions and, for lack of a better word, scariness. It was a good year, but kind of blew at the same time. Does that even make sense? I want 2008 to be better. I want to be better. I want to be a better friend, a better employee, a better trainer, a better daughter....a better person really.

Now how do I go about doing that?