Killing time before Zeppelinesque set starts. We are just that cool. The hand that you see in the left side of the pic belongs to the world's largest prick, douchebag, arsehole EVER.

He tried to lecture us about DNA structure and the importance of genetics...........now technically I am a molecular biologist according to my Honours degree in MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICS YOU FUCKING DOUCHEBAG! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! You are sitting there, in your fifth year of your PHILOSOPHY major, trying to lecture me and tell me that the structure of nucleotides in DNA HAS to be predetermined because of all this shit blah blah blah I stopped listening to you after like 20 seconds because you're such a fucktard. Go fuck yourself, I HATE YOU.

We are so fucking cool that we did a crossword puzzle in a bar while waiting for the Led Zeppelin tribute band to come on. Wish I'd gotten pictures of the lead singer in the wig......it was hilariously awesome.

*SIGH* right now I am being a loser sitting around eating a ridiculous amount of chocolate while my friend gets laid. Good for her.......bad for me.

I will be all fat and bloated and pimply and disgusting by tomorrow. That will turn on the guys. M-e-OW. They wont' know what hit them when I walk in with my unwashed/unbrushed greasy hair, pimples and sweatpants. Damn, that is sexy just thinking about it.

Sometimes my preppy, loserness astounds even me. It just comes so naturally....I look like a Ralph Lauren ad most of the time.....but without the skinny body, perfect hair and hot guy standing beside me.

Read an article in Glamour earlier about how to appreciate sex this woman had to sleep with a nerd. And that she now feels more appreciated because the nerd (for lack of better description of the guy) worships her. Now....this guy isn't a nerd. He is hot, and just because he's smart and enjoys reading does NOT make him a nerd. Stop fooling yourself, you slept with the hot, smart, bookworm guy. A REAL nerd watches Star Trek, knows the distance inbetween the planets mentioned in Star Wars and has never seen or touched a breast before. Those nerds are creepy as hell and not hot.....and definitely do not know how to have decent sex. Slept with the nerd my ass.......moron.

Download the song "Big Girls (You Are Beautiful)" by Mika immediately, if not sooner. It is awesome. Not even for "big girls", it is just all sorts of awesomeness.

I'm obsessed with
Raymi's blog. It's awesome. Wish I had her sense of style and 'cool'-ness. If I met her I'd probably faint and be a loser.