Sunday, July 22, 2007
I Can't Believe It's Over
That's right. I spent the night reading the seventh Harry Potter book.
No joke.
If anyone has NOT read Harry Potter, I suggest you do so immediately so that you can read this book. Because it is the most fantastic book EVER. I started crying in the second chapter and didn't stop until the book was done. I know, I'm a loser. I don't CARE! IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!
It was everything that I thought it would be and more! Everything that I wished she'd do happened and yet there was always something more.
It was heartbreakingly sad. About halfway through I realized that I would never read a Harry Potter book for the first time ever again, and I didn't want to read it anymore. I wanted to preserve that moment where there was something unknown and something new to learn about the books that I've grown to adore over the past six years.
The book was also ridiculously heartbreaking in itself. Why did she have to kill so many characters who I loved and were so amazing? The second death that happened in the book shocked me. How could she kill something so innocent? I just burst into tears and sat there crying for a good five minutes. Little did I know that this was just the first of many of those outbursts to come, because JK Rowling was relentless in her quest of killing off innocent characters.
The night was one of those ones where you cry because you're so ridiculously happy and yet your heart is breaking at the same time. I know it's just a book. But these are characters that you've seen grow over the past ten years and you somehow feel like they are a part of you. Unless you TRULY appreciate Harry Potter you will not understand what I'm saying and think I'm an idiot/loser. But I'm not. And you just can't understand.
The book is one of those ones that I cannot read in public because people will wonder why the crazy girl is crying while reading a children's story. But it's not a children's story. It's SO much more than that. The struggle between good and evil, your friends being there for you, having faith, fighting for the ones you love, giving everything for people you don't even know. There is so much that we could learn from these books and we don't even know it.
Too bad I think I'm a muggle. Ah well. At least I've got the books.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Bored = Bankrupt

I'm feeling a little......I guess the word is lost lately. I'm not too sure what is wrong with me, but I hope I snap out of it soon. One minute I will be perfectly fine and happy and jumping around, the next I will be like, "get the F away from me." I don't understand it. Could be because I'm having some SERIOUS nerves about my interview on Wednesday for the personal trainer job at GoodLife, or could be because I'm just a tool. Whichever. UGH, there's also this one girl that I just want to smack everytime I see her. It's really annoying. But SHE'S SO ANNOYING AND STUPID! And I swear to GOD, if she giggles and flips her hair ONE MORE TIME I will snap. I fucking hate girls like that. And if she tans anymore she will officially be a nice shade of tangerine. EW.
Maybe I'm just feeling a bit lonely too. I enjoy being alone, but sometimes it's hard too. I think I might feel a little bit less stressed out if I actually get the job at GoodLife too, because a lot of what is worrying me is not being able to find/afford a relatively nice apartment. I refuse to lower my standards. I do NOT want to have to deal with centipedes. EW. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.
I spent too much money shopping today. I was bored and feeling kinda alone so I went to the mall.....and bought shoes and a shirt and another shirt. All of which I didn't need. But the shoes MAY just be the love of my life. They are Diesel running shoes and quite pretty and comfy and amazing. AND they were on sale for like $40 off. So I guess I was saving money?! I also bought a blender of all things. Odd I know. But I think I'm going to start making protein shakes. I made one this morning....but I forgot to put ice in it was a weird texture, hahahaha.
I am SERIOUSLY contemplating getting a tattoo. I used to want one SOOOOOOO bad, but then decided it wouldn't be cool. But now I want one again. I want it on the back of my neck, in white ink and to say "Love" or "Live" in a cool writing. I am currently researching cool fonts and stuff online. This is serious. hahahahaha. Don't tell my mom.
EW. I've been a cow this weekend. It is BAD. I haven't been to the gym and have been eating WHATEVER the fuck I want. McDonald's yesterday, then ice cream, then tonnes of chocolate peanut butter stuff today and MORE ice cream. I can actually feel myself becoming bloated and nasty looking. Lovely. And it isn't such a secret why I don't have a boyfriend or anyone interested. hahahaha, oh I should stop pretending that I care, because I honestly don't. I've come to the conclusion that all boys are douchebags and not worth my time.Saturday, July 07, 2007
touch my ass again and I will break your finger

Jeff is trying to 'woo' me over to GoodLife. I am pretty much sold. Just have to talk to Chris to see if he will help me get certified to be a trainer. Pretty sure he will. I hope he will. hahaha.
I fucking HATE the girls who live downstairs. They are fat cows and so fucking obnoxious. One of them hit my car with their huge ass work truck. PARK ON THE STREET YOU SKANK.
Oh, and your boyfriend is hideous.
I've REALLY got to get on finding another place to live. Otherwise I'm SCREWED.
I have been trying to be more 'nutritious' lately, i.e. not eat like five chocolate bars a day and bagels and all that crap. It is SO hard to eat the proper amount of portions at each meal, like 30% proteins and fats and 40% carbs. But I think it's starting to work. Apparently a lot of my love handles are gone and my tummy bulge...this is according to Maria and Melissa. I will take their word for it. I haven't really noticed any difference. I caved last night and ate a huge fucking sundae with peanut butter cups, whip cream and chocolate sauce. It was orgasmic.
Brett's little girl Aly is so adorable. She wears these teeny little baby crocs and smiles and waves everytime I see her. She was waving at me when I was doing bicep curls and makes faces on the glass of the daycare centre. It almost made me have a maternal urge. ALMOST. hahahahaha.