Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Friend Making 101

Friday, May 25, 2007
mmmm I can smell the pretentiousness in the air

Thursday, May 24, 2007

5) I really don't like the Goodlife in Oakville. It is in a basement and there isn't really a flow to the set-up, and no real space to do free weight workouts in. Also all of the people who work there and train there are snobby, stuck-up, pretentious ass holes. The girls give me evil eyes, the trainers have this look like, "I am so much better than you because I'm a trainer" and then there's me that just goes around and I do my thing and ignore everyone. Maybe they are all jealous of my sweet ass. Who knows. Apparently sweating at the gym is "gross" as I heard one girl put it. If you're not going to sweat why are you even there?!?!??! Seriously the girl said to her friend, "Ew, that girl is actually sweating! Gross!" What the fuck is wrong with people these days?!
6) It is FUCKING HOT in my room. Like absolutely ridiculous. My dad won't turn on the air conditioning because it's supposed to go down again over the weekend, so he just won't turn it on. WTF?! Not that my room gets any air circulation anyways. Ah well, I suppose I should get used to living without a/c....I won't be able to afford it when I move to Guelph.
7) Two of my light bulbs have burnt out and I am WAY too lazy to replace them. There are these lightbulbs that you can use that are better for the environment, and if you replace just one bulb in your house it's like taking 5 cars off the road or something. Who knows. I saw it on Ellen when I was being a bum last week. I think I'm going to try and find those. I figure I should do something seeing as I am probably solely responsible for the earth's water shortage from the length of my showers.
8) I am now going to the snotty gym to work off my Rolo egg.
Friday, May 18, 2007
National Break-Up Week

This has been the most random insane week ever. It's like break-up season or something, first me and Tony and then, oddly enough, Melissa and Steve. Which is insane because I was like 500% positive that they were going to get married. So was she, so she's pretty much completely and totally heartbroken. If I ever see Steve again, I will KILL him.

Visited the old high school this week too. It was quite the trip. My grade seven homeroom teacher is retiring so I talked to her for awhile, and got to chat with Miss Renwick (who is SO awesome), and Mr. Schreiner...who wasn't even my teacher and somehow remembers me. He says it's because I was so loud and always interrupted his class. I'd believe it. Something about that place makes me and Tina start to scream and jump around and be loud. I'm SO sending my kids there if I have girls. Although it will probably cost like $30,000 a year or something ridiculous like that. Who knows.
I love pizza.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
Could possibly be the love of my life...

2) I'm in the process of being interviewed for a job at Exclusively Women's Fitness Club in Guelph. I seriously hope that I get it because I want to move out of my parent's house. I suppose I could move out anyways, but it just makes no sense if I have to keep the job at the bank. Which I hope that I don't. This place has a series of THREE interviews.....insane. I have to memorize an advertising thing about a tour and then give the tour to someone. I am freaked. I think that if I do pretty well on this that I will get the job though.
3) TiVo may be the love of my life. It's awesome. You can just record something, watch it whenever and fast forward through the commercials. It's amazing.
4) It's weird that I get cravings for the couple of days after my period. Like, I don't understand...shouldn't it be before? Usually before I tend to just burst into tears at the slightest emotional twinge. It's annoying as shit. But not as annoying as cravings a Wendy's Bacon Cheeseburger while I'm on the Special K diet.
5) My hair is ridiculously blonde. Like when she was drying it I was kind of like, "ok....that's not so bad...I like it........oh...it's still almost completely wet?" Like holy mother fucker. I'm still trying to decide whether I like it or not. I'm afraid that I am going to look like one of those incredibly fake blonde girls where their hair is actually a light shade of green because they've highlighted it so much. I will post pictures.

7) Did I mention that I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY want that job? My parents are starting to drive me more insane...if that is even possible. And I have just been informed by Melissa that it is not possible for me to be more insane. But they keep casually suggesting career possibilities for me that have absolutely nothing to do with ANYTHING that interests me. Not cool.
8) Vanilla Girl Guide Cookies are so awesome. And are SO going to make me fat.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
i love travel.

Trips are awesome. I love traveling. Went everywhere I wanted to in NYC and bought a fabulous dress and some awesome shoes.