Me demonstrating why I wish I could live my live as a cat. He gets to be wrapped in my sheets and lying in the sun while I'm doing work? Fuck that.

Procrastinating and dancing around to Avril Lavigne's 'Girlfriend' song. It's kind of a horrid, pop-ish, girly song but I kind of like it. It gets me all riled up to go to the gym and makes me jump shown in the photos. hahaha that last photo makes me laugh b/c of the stupid look on my face. I'm all like, "YAH, this is the SHIT" but really it's just me jumping around by myself.
I wasn't going to put the first photo in because of the whole headless thing, but I decided I should because it shows that my legs have gotten thinner. HA. I just like photographic proof that all my sweating and grossness at the gym is paying off. I started a modified version of the Special K diet too. I don't want to completely starve myself because I would die at the gym, so I allow myself fruit or nuts or veggies as a snack, and I try to eat a relatively low-cal dinner. I got pissed because I realized that even though I'm getting more muscular my hotness factor wasn't upping because I still had a nasty layer of fat over the muscles, hence the Special K diet. I'm hoping this bodies' here for the long-term. HAHAHA, I just noticed I'm kind of giving the finger in the top picture. It was totally an accident.
P.S. Anyone who hasn't read Raymi the Minx's blog should do so IMMEDIATELY if not sooner. The link is on my page. And also, you should check out Merkeleys??? pictures. Because even though they are of naked chicks, they are awesome, partly because of the nakedness. Emily started putting them up on her site and I LOVE them. They are so different and interesting. I love it. If I had the courage I would so want to pose for him. Although, I think Tony would kill me.....and then my Dad probably would too.
ALSO, I was being a loser listening to my mom's CDs, and the Forest Gump soundtrack is actually pretty awesome. Clearly they are old songs, but so awesome at the same time. I already knew all the songs and could sing along, so I didn't feel like a huge loser for not knowing the words. I was also clearly by myself in the car, as I would never subject anyone to have to listen to me singing. I am especially obsessed with Spirit In The Sky by The Eagles. Don't know if there are other bands who sing it, but this is awesome. It's kind of country-ish/religious, but so awesome at the same time. So classic.