Thursday, May 24, 2007


1) I. AM. DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEE YOU IN HELL SUCKERS! I finished at the bank FOREVER! THAT'S RIGHT! I am never going back there, EVER, and you can't make me! I am so glad that it's over and done with! I fuckin HATE that place. I hate traveling on the train to work, walking up Bay street, going down FOUR STOREYS underground and sitting in a place that makes me feel like I'm on an airplane all day with gross recirculated air. It makes my skin disgusting and I feel depressed and useless in life when I'm there. Although they did give me samosas yesterday, which was pretty awesome.

2) I just ate half of a huge Rolo caramel filled egg. It was disgusting and so satisfying at the same time. I have been having MASSIVE chocolate cravings and just cravings in general. I hate it. It's so gross how you cannot control it. Well, I cannot control it. I have no willpower or self-control. I am weak. And it is sad. I must now go to the gym and do like four hours of cardio to burn off the calories from that stupid fucking egg.

3) I've been looking at apartments online for in Guelph. I can't believe they want $600 a month for a bachelor! WTF!? hahaha, I am clearly new at this whole renting thing. I fucking hate renting. It's such a waste of money. But how else am I supposed to live? On the street? I could live with a roommate again (a stranger mind you) and save money......but do I really feel like sharing a bathroom with a total stranger? I don't know. We'll see how I feel in July or so, I could feel differently about blowing my hard-earned cash on rent just because I don't want to share a bathroom and kitchen.

4) I have realized that living in Oakville makes me fat. No joke. It's because my mom stockpiles all of this stuff like cookies, chocolate bars, chips, popcorn, etc that I don't even bother buying in Guelph because I can't afford it. Plus I tend to be bored a lot more in Oakville because I don't have Melissa or Austin to entertain me. My parents tend to rely on me for entertainment and my cats just lie there and look cute.

5) I really don't like the Goodlife in Oakville. It is in a basement and there isn't really a flow to the set-up, and no real space to do free weight workouts in. Also all of the people who work there and train there are snobby, stuck-up, pretentious ass holes. The girls give me evil eyes, the trainers have this look like, "I am so much better than you because I'm a trainer" and then there's me that just goes around and I do my thing and ignore everyone. Maybe they are all jealous of my sweet ass. Who knows. Apparently sweating at the gym is "gross" as I heard one girl put it. If you're not going to sweat why are you even there?!?!??! Seriously the girl said to her friend, "Ew, that girl is actually sweating! Gross!" What the fuck is wrong with people these days?!

6) It is FUCKING HOT in my room. Like absolutely ridiculous. My dad won't turn on the air conditioning because it's supposed to go down again over the weekend, so he just won't turn it on. WTF?! Not that my room gets any air circulation anyways. Ah well, I suppose I should get used to living without a/c....I won't be able to afford it when I move to Guelph.

7) Two of my light bulbs have burnt out and I am WAY too lazy to replace them. There are these lightbulbs that you can use that are better for the environment, and if you replace just one bulb in your house it's like taking 5 cars off the road or something. Who knows. I saw it on Ellen when I was being a bum last week. I think I'm going to try and find those. I figure I should do something seeing as I am probably solely responsible for the earth's water shortage from the length of my showers.

8) I am now going to the snotty gym to work off my Rolo egg.

1 comment:

Miss.Emily said...

Bahahaha! Love the pic of your head being squished.